Hello, Welcome to my Course.My name is Stella Kol and i am Mosaic Artist-Teacher from the Byzantine art school Efi-StellArT.
My Stydies :
Diploma in conservator of mosaics and stone objects
from the Ravenna Mosaic Conservation School
(Scuola per il Restauro del Mosaico) with honors
(presentation ofthe diploma thesis entitled: "Study of
materials and ancienttechniques for the creation of a
technical-scientific framework in fixing works for
the conservation and maintenance ofthe mosaic
, under the supervision of Dr. Isotta
Roncuzzi-Fiorentini and Prof. Paolo Racagni).
Voter's diploma, after two years of attending the
Istituto "Albe Steiner" of Ravenna.
National Museum, St. Vitalios (Ravenna)
Cleaning and fixing ofthe columns ofthe portico of
the former Benedictine Monastery of St. Vitaliou.
Maintenance ofthe central entrance ofthe first
peristyle ofthe 12th century. A.D. (South side).
Assembly ofthe pieces ofthe sarcophagus (Sarcofago
dell' Oculista) ofthe 3rd - 4th c. AD, made of Greek
Preservation of a marble tombstone ofthe 1st c. AD,
placed in the first peristyle of Ag. Vitaliou.
Santa Maria Maggiore (Ravenna)
Graphical and photographic recording, analytical
research ofthe state of preservation and
maintenance ofthe plaster relief decorations ofthe
18th century. AD, work ofthe sculptor Antonio
Saint Apollinarius the Younger (Ravenna)
Detailed mapping, research ofthe state of
conservation and conservation ofthe wall mosaics of
the south side ofthe 6th c. A.D.
Agios Vitalios (Ravenna)
Conservation ofthe 3rd and 4th part ofthe mosaic
floor ofthe 6th c. AD, and creating a copy of mosaic
detail. Detailed graphic impression and creation of a
painted copy from the inner part ofthe arch ofthe
presbytery (mosaic representation of St. John).